
Windows 10

Microsoft Edge- New windows 10 browser

Work on a new browser for Windows 10 has been underway since January. For months it  had been codenamed as Project Spartan, today Microsoft has finally unveiled this browser with a new name, Microsoft Edge. New features like faster rendering, voice assistant Cortana, note-taking mode, customizable reading note, these gave the Project Spartan an ‘edge’ upon the traditional Internet Explorer.

Here are the new developments:
Microsoft Edge comes with new rendering machine called EdgeHTML which loads the web page more faster more smoother and comes loaded with new windows 10 features like cortana, note-taking mode, customizable reading note, these gave the Project Spartan an ‘edge’ upon the traditional Internet Explorer. Though the browser is loaded with new features like Cortana, customizable reading note, etc., the company says the browser is not yet ready to be integrate RTM support on Microsoft Edge.

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