

Windows 10: The latest OS is the last version of Windows OS

On traditional PCs and Macs, Microsoft still owns an overwhelming market share, with 91.8 percent of all traffic coming from Windows-based machines. Among non-Microsoft operating systems, both OS X and Linux have stalled since October 2011, hovering around 6.9 percent and 1.2 percent, respectively but the journey of this big beast has came to an end. Microsoft officially that windows 10 will be the last version of windows series.

At the Ignite tech conference, the developer evangelist of Microsoft Jerry Nixon said in the press conference –
Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10.

Jerry Nixon also said that windows 10 is in work since the launch of windows 8.1. Windows 10 is the last version of windows OS series but that does not mean Microsoft is closing down the windows. Microsoft will be providing regular OTA updates just like Apple OSx, so each and every device which has licensed Windows 10 installed on it will be getting regular OTA updates from Microsoft. Microsoft wants to make windows a service. That means instead of releasing a new windows version every couple of years they will be providing OTA updates.

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