Samsung Galaxy S4 lollipop update


Now the wait for the Lollipop update is now over for the Samsung galaxy S4 users. S4 receives the lollipop update on last Saturday. The update is a massive 990MB the update does not bring many new things and it's a very big disappointment because the stock android comes with a completely new look and with some improvements. After the download of the update the device takes 10-15 min to install it and we recommend that leave the device after the installation of update because the device becomes laggy but after some time it works fine. There is a slight change in the notification bar, lock screen and of course you get the new card style multitasking animation and notification on lock screen and a new style dialer and the rest of things are still same. After the update there are some changes now you can move part of the app to external SD card not the full app but part of the app is moveable. Samsung made very minimal changes in the phone and Samsung made a big mistake by doing this because people are expecting a new look or you can say the new touch WIZ UI like stock android. So this is it guys if you have any questions about lollipop or any other tech leave your questions in the comments.

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